Sunday, March 9, 2008

trevs culutral commodity

i dont even know what commodity means.

cultural exchanges 2008 was a very interesting experience. i am quite fond of the general concept, and think anyone who opts out of getting a huge dose of free culture is an idiot.

i was supposed to attend 4 events, but due to the inconsiderate, pushy middle-aged excuses of human beings behind us in a queue, i could not get into the music technology performance.

myself and griff missed out on the sue townsend event also, which was a great shame- we both woke up with matching eye infections and spent so long trying to sort them out that we missed it.

tom leonard was a very interesting man, but i assume many cret writters will decide to write a blog on his perfoamnce as so many of us showed up.

instead, i choose "writing about parents" which i attended to show some support to JT.

i found it insightful to say the least.

the guest "stars" all presented the audience with contrasting readings, which was brilliant.

my favourite of course, was JT, as i am very fond of him and his book.

i found the question and answer session useful, and the guests were eager to answer any queries we had to full potential.

(... more to come soon, just wanted to get something written down for starters)

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