He didn't wear a frock - the first disappointment. The shock of of blonde hair wasn't teased into curls. Grayson, not Claire. Transvestism was touched on - and bondage, and S&M - but the emphasis was on the pots.
Traditional pots. "Originality's over-rated," Grayson declared. "In tradition, after 10,000 hours you've learnt a craft, can make something worthwhile." Good point.
It's a long process, making pots: a basic shape (more tradition), nineteen layers of slipware, transfers designed and applied, more slipware. Weeks of work before the perils of the kiln. Some pots are lost for ever.
Grayson Perry makes 15-20 pots a year. Some shimmered on slides above his head. When I saw one in Glasgow I was hooked.
His conversation hooked me too. "I like trends on the turn (like milk)." "I love village art-shows - thousands of rural scenes with no cars."
The second disappointment? It ended.

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