Saturday, March 1, 2008

Kamilla Elliott lecture - Unfilmable Books

Sorry that this update is rather late. Blame my laziness and forgetfulness - I do.
Anyway, on to the main topic. I thought that the lecture overall was good, she had a lot of information to tell us why and how some particular books are deemed "unfilmable" but are still filmed anyway. For example, LOTR (Lord of the Rings) was deemed unfilmable because of technological reasons i.e. A lack of film technology. Also, in general, Novels have specific differences compared to Films in that they can only be seen in words rather than in moving images, and other such differences.
To quote from Kamilla reading from an extract: "To make the film is to destroy the word." This makes filming a book sound all the more difficult to do so. I'm guessing since there's so much content in one book the director would have to cut out a lot of stuff to fit it into a 1 and a half - 2 hour film time. I remember from the Louis de Bernieres lecture that he said that the last person you should ask an opinion from of a film based on a book is the author themselves because they will most certainly hate it as most of what they had written would be cut out to fit in the time length.

I like the clips that she used in the lecture too, I don't quite remember them but they were funny and related to the subject at hand.
One thing that I didn't like about the lecture was the start of it, involving technical problems with the sound system of the projector. Kamilla tried to re-start her laptop but that didn't work. In the end the technician from the Clephan Computer Facility fixed it in only a few seconds compared to around 15mins the people in the room attempted. The whole experience gave me deja vu of a typical lecture by Simon where in the first 10 or so minutes he would try to get his slide shows working with amusing sound effects :) i.e. Urrghhgh!
So when the lecture had finished there wasn't enough time for questions to be asked and people had to go to Kamilla directly to have their questions answered.
But I didn't mind too much really, it was only the beginning part that irked me because I expected it to start on time. But nevertheless I liked the rest of the lecture.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Technology. You have to love it. Even when it does nothing but burn down, blow up, or hang itself! If you remember to approach the situation optimistically, and with a sense of irony. Carry on reguardless!

Having said that, i have a presentation on tuesday for which technical elements are essential. If something goes wrong with that i'm gonna ignore my own advice. Maybe i'm writing this to preactively alter my karma-ex-machina levels!

Good review!
from the Fish of Infinite Depth